RESIFUGE (RSS Centrifuge)
The RESIFUGE system features a comprehensive, self-contained setup that can simultaneously run three separate rock core samples. It includes an automated data acquisition system for real-time monitoring of the transient fluid volume produced during drainage or imbibition sequences.
The tool for capturing and analyzing pictures is both rigid and flexible, allowing it to meet various challenges related to unclear meniscus or other optical restrictions inherent to fluid systems. The raw data captured can be reanalyzed to fine-tune meniscus trigger values and/or for quality assurance purposes.
Key features
Easy to use interface, with touchscreen and keyboard/mouse.
Achieve accurate temperature control with peltier cooling combined with resistive heating. 20°C to 70°C (80 °C optional)
Three positions rotor with either standard (drainage) or inverted (imbibiton) buckets with space for three samples (Ø38mm, L50mm)
Real time monitoring with possibility to re-run collected data later.
High rotational speed with vacuume enabled. Up to 10 000 rpm.
Compact design. 70 x 100 x 130cm, 400kg.
Automated conversion from pixels to volume by manually controlled parameters. Volume accuracy +/- 0.1ml, dependent on used fluid and bucket system.

Inverted- (imbibition) and standard (drainage) buckets.

Three positions sample holder.

GUI with live view of all three samples.